Market Trends & More - Leading Edge Real Estate

Get Organized with Wunderlist

Written by | August 18, 2016


By Christine George, President of Marketing and Business Development


One of the biggest challenges our real estate agents face is staying organized.  Organization is typically not high on the list of skills possessed by most real estate agents.  However, as your business grows and you take on more clients it becomes increasingly more important to stay organized so nothing falls through the cracks.

Back in the day, I used a Franklin Planner to plan my calendar and keep track of my tasks, remember those?  I then graduated to a combination of post-it notes and spiral bound lined paper.  After time, the paper got out of hand, got lost or the writing was illegible so I started tracking things through Outlook.  Then, my husband introduced me to the holy grail of digital organizational tools, WUNDERLIST.  Today, Wunderlist is my go-to for managing personal and professional tasks and goals.


Here are the top 5 reasons why I love it:

1.It’s available everywhere! It’s on my iPhone, iPad and Mac so I always have it in front of me.  It’s also available for use on Android, Windows, Kindle Fire and the Web.

2.I’m a sucker for a checklist. At the end of each day, nothing gives me more pleasure than being able

to check off everything on my to-do list.  Wunderlist allows you to cross off any task and puts it in a completed task folder.  So, while you no longer see the task, it remains archived and available to retrieve.   For those of you who still love paper, Wunderlist allows you to print your lists so can cross off tasks while still staying organized.

3. It’s shareable. Lists can be shared with family, friends and team members.  Need milk and bread at home?  Create a grocery list and share it with a family member.  Avoid duplication and eliminate those messy post-it notes on the refrigerator.

4. It keeps me accountable. Wunderlist is my accountability partner.  It keeps me honest, ensures I get my work done and helps me avoid procrastination.

5. It works for my whole life. Perhaps one of the biggest benefits is that it keeps BOTH my personal and professional life organized in one spot.  Technology today has blurred the lines between personal and professional and the real estate industry especially allows for very few boundaries.  Wunderlist allows me to visually see when and where I need to make time for me and my family.


All of this is for FREE!!  How cool!  Wunderlist also provides a paid program designed especially for business.  If you’re managing a team and have multiple people managing the flow of a transaction or a project, Wunderlist for Business makes it exceptionally easy for multiple team members to communicate, collaborate and accomplish tasks.  With a task list for every project, you can assign to-dos, make notes, share files and make comments to ensure timely and seamless execution of every project.  What’s more is Wunderlist provides a 30-Day FREE trial.

As you head in to the hectic Fall market and back-to-school season, why not take the time to get organized?  You’ll thank yourself and your clients will thank you too when you’ve delivered on everything and let nothing fall through the cracks.