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Get Nerdy With Your Marketing: Are You Reverse Engineering Your Sales?


  By Bill Butler, Productivity Coach, RE/MAX Leading Edge

Spray and pray!

Ahh, marketing 80's style!  Bus benches, billboards, grocery carts.  Spend your commission, get a nice glossy billboard with your handsome mug, company logo and your new cutting-edge, 1-800 phone number…

Those were the days.  Ego-driven marketing campaigns costing thousands of dollars…sure they worked…right?  Well…uh…they looked good!  

In today’s marketing environment, there’s no excuse for not knowing what works and what doesn’t.  Everything is trackable now thanks to our dear amigo, the internet.  Billboards, bus boards, benches can all direct people to different landing pages which can all be tracked.  But let’s say you want to step up your game from 80's gnarly to your ultimate jam today.  

Real estate coach, Tom Ferry recently discussed his 5 rules for marketing for today’s Realtor at his recent conference.

  1. Have only one outcome for everything you do.  Stop confusing people asking them to call, text, email, ping or snap you.   Keep your call to action simple and focused. 
  2. You have to track everything!  Use unique URLs from sites like bit.ly or use Google Analytics to track where your leads originated.
  3. You need to move from start up to growth immediately.  One person trying to do it all will not get you to where you want to be.  Time to hire out for design, automation, testing creative and more.
  4. Adapt an ‘Always Be Testing’ culture.  A/B testing creative, dates, times, landing pages, email subject lines and images.
  5. Make sure your sales team matches the marketing.  Keep the brand and message consistent! 
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