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Time: 6 Strategies to Save Time, Be More Productive and Feel Balanced


 By Christine George, President of Marketing & Business Development, RE/MAX Leading Edge

One of the common complaints I hear from real estate agents and colleagues is that they just don’t have enough time in the day.  Let’s face it, our business is just one piece in the life puzzle we work to balance each and every day.  So how do we balance the demands of our business with those at home and still have time to reflect, think and plan for our future?

Let’s start with these 6 ideas….

  1. Set Goals and Write Them Down.  So often I speak to agents who tell me they don’t have a business plan or goals…"too busy" they tell me.  If you’re NOT taking the time, you’re doing yourself a disservice.  Setting goals is like building a house without a foundation.  Your business will not be sustainable without it.  Your goals set the tone for #2-#6 and ultimately deliver the time, productivity and balance you desire.  I recommend creating 3-5 goals each year.  These can be a combination of business and personal.  I start thinking about next year’s goals in October and I usually memorialize them in November/December.  I commit a full day with no distractions and I focus solely on crafting my goals and business plan.  I write it down, keep it with me and use it to drive my behavior and how I spend my time.


  1. Get Organized.  I know many of us are as organized as a landfill. However, organization and systems are key to making sure your goals become a reality.   The good thing is that technology has made it very easy for us to stay organized.
    1. The first step to getting organized is to DECLUTTER.  As real estate professionals, we need to practice what we preach.  Declutter your home, office and your mind.  The old adage K.I.S.S. applies here.  Keep it simple.  Chances are if your environment is clear of chaos, your mind will be too.
    2. The next step is to AUTOMATE.
      1. Get Direct Deposit.  Please don’t tell me you’re still signing your checks and walking to the bank to deposit them!  If you haven’t adopted direct deposit, you MUST do it today.  The money gets in the bank sooner, saves you at least 30 minutes of time and might even ensure you don’t bounce a check!
      2. Use a Calendar.  No, I don’t mean write it in your Franklin Planner, you know the one that weighs 50 pounds?  Using online calendars allows you to view your calendar on your iPhone, Android, tablet or laptop.  Cloud-based calendars will ensure you don’t miss an appointment, allow you to make changes without crossing things out or erasing them and allow you to map out your appointment locations.  Google calendar is my personal favorite.
      3. Use a Task List. I don’t know what I would do without my task list.  It breaks down every action I need to take and makes me accountable.  Wunderlist is my go-to task list.  It allows me to manage both business and personal tasks.  It’s great for teams and families because it allows you to assign tasks to others.  Oh, and it’s FREE.


  1. Set Boundaries.  Time is your most valuable resource so it’s important that you use it wisely.  Setting boundaries will ensure you’re using time effectively and working toward achieving your goals.
    1. Be in Control of Your Calendar.  When scheduling a meeting with a client, let the client know when you’re available to meet and provide some options.  Don’t leave it open-ended.  For example, "Ms. Seller, I’m available Monday, Thursday and Friday between 8AM-11AM or 4PM-7PM.  Which of these work best for you?
    2. Eliminate the Energy Vampires.  You know them.  They're the people in your business or in your life who suck the energy right out of you.  They’re negative complainers and they’re a huge drag!  You have a choice about whom you work for and with.  Surround yourself with positive energy.  Watch, it’s contagious!  You’ll find yourself feeling happier and more motivated.
    3. Buyers, Buyers, Buyers.  They’re so important.  They’re the foundation when we’re starting out.  If we treat them right they become our sellers.  But wow do they take a ton of our time.  Don’t feel compelled to work with every buyer.  Make sure they fit within your market or your niche and they align with your style and approach.  If they don’t, refer them to an agent who might be a better fit.
    4. Don’t Take Calls Before 8AM or after 8PM and Respect Others Who Subscribe to the Same Philosophy.  I know it’s hard.  Yes, I know there will be exceptions.  This is about life balance.


  1. Delegate Tasks.  Focus on money-making activities.  Making phone calls and meeting clients face-to-face is what generates business. Many of you have assistants.  Are you leveraging them to the maximum use possible?  I’ve spent numerous hours interviewing and working with Executive Assistants and the one common denominator among them is that they desire to make your life easier! Let them make your life easier.  However, you must also empower them by sharing your goals and demonstrating to them the importance of their role in achieving those goals.  They will keep you organized, do your research, coordinate your travel, make your appointments, run your errands, keep your digital assets up-to-date, manage aspects of your social media and create your presentations.  For those of you who don’t have assistants, RE/MAX Leading Edge has 6 Marketing Coordinators who are staffed to support you with marketing collateral, digital asset and social media support and presentations (except CMAs).  They are also Notaries if you should need one.


  1. Be Present and Stay Focused.  The abundance of noise that sits in the palm of our hands is unbelievable.  If you let them, the distractions will kill any chance you have to get one more listing, put one more home under agreement or watch your child get their first goal.  Temper your desire to check Facebook or look at the email that just popped up.  And please, shut off your phone when you’re in a meeting with someone.  Their time is just as valuable as yours.  This is by far the most difficult for most of us (myself included) because we are programmed to react to everything that comes at us.   Finally, keep your eyes on the prize. In the words of Olympic Gold Medalist, Ben Hunt-Davis, ask yourself, Will it make the boat go faster?  If the answer is no, let it go and move on.  Stay focused and do the things matter.


  1. Practice Yoga and Meditation.  For those of us who are self-admitted Type A personalities, there is nothing that will clear the noise and create the balance more than yoga and meditation.  I have been a practicing yogi for more than 15 years and was a yoga teacher for 7 of those years.  In fact, before my son was born I taught a weekly class for the agents here at RE/MAX Leading Edge.  The practice is something that will tone your body and your mind.  I guarantee it.  The beauty is that yoga is abundant in Boston and in so many places throughout the U.S.  Find a style and a studio that resonates with you and make the commitment.



Well, there you have it…it’s quite a bit to digest.  Perhaps commit to doing one thing and then come back and do another and another.  No system is perfect.  Life will throw you curve balls but I subscribe to each of these ideas and have found them to be effective in managing my time.





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